
Module Contents



This is the extended module prototype used by any other ViUR module prototype.



Type for exactly one sort order definitions.


Type for sort order definitions (any amount of single order definitions).


Type for default sort order definitions.


Type for exactly one sort order definitions.


Type for sort order definitions (any amount of single order definitions).


Type for default sort order definitions.

class core.prototypes.skelmodule.SkelModule(moduleName, modulePath, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: viur.core.Module

This is the extended module prototype used by any other ViUR module prototype. It a prototype which generally is bound to some database model abstracted by the ViUR skeleton system.

  • moduleName (str) –

  • modulePath (str) –

kindName: str

Name of the datastore kind that is handled by this module.

This information is used to bind a specific viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton-class to this prototype. By default, it is automatically determined from the module’s class name, so a module named Animal refers to a Skeleton named AnimalSkel and its kindName is animal.

For more information, refer to the function _resolveSkelCls().

_resolveSkelCls(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieve the generally associated viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton that is used by the application.

This is either be defined by the member variable kindName or by a Skeleton named like the application class in lower-case order.

If this behavior is not wanted, it can be definitely overridden by defining module-specific viewSkel(), addSkel(), or editSkel() functions, or by overriding this function in general.


Returns a Skeleton class that matches the application.

Return type:


baseSkel(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an instance of an unmodified base skeleton for this module.

This function should only be used in cases where a full, unmodified skeleton of the module is required, e.g. for administrative or maintenance purposes.

By default, baseSkel is used by viewSkel(), addSkel(), and editSkel().

Return type:
