
Module Contents



BasicApplication is a generic class serving as the base for the four BasicApplications.

class core.prototypes.basic.BasicApplication(moduleName, modulePath, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

BasicApplication is a generic class serving as the base for the four BasicApplications.

kindName :str

Name of the datastore kind that’s going to be handled by this application. This information is used to bind a specific viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton-class to this application. For more information, refer to the function _resolveSkelCls().

adminInfo :Union[Dict[str, Any], Callable]

A dict holding the information necessary for the Vi/Admin to handle this module. If set to None, this module will be ignored by the frontend. The currently supported values are:

name: str

Human-readable module name that will be shown in Vi/Admin

handler: str (list, tree or singleton):

Which (proto-)type is used, to the frontend can initialize it handler correctly.

icon: str

(Optional) The name (eg “icon-add”) or a path relative the the project (eg. /static/icons/viur.svg) for the icon used in the UI for that module.

columns: List[str]

(Optional) List of columns (bone names) that are displayed by default. Used only for the list handler.

filter: Dict[str, str]

(Optional) Dictionary of additional parameters that will be send along when fetching entities from the server. Can be used to filter the entities being displayed on the client-side.

display: str (“default”, “hidden” or “group”)

(Optional) “hidden” will hide the module in the main bar (itwill not be accessible directly, however it’s registered with the frontend so it can be used in a relational bone). “group” will show this module in the main bar, but it will not be clickable. Clicking it will just try to expand it (assuming there are additional views defined).

preview: Union[str, Dict[str, str]]

(Optional) A url that will be opened in a new tab and is expected to display the entity selected in the table. Can be “/{{module}}/view/{{key}}”, with {{module}} and {{key}} getting replaced as needed. If more than one preview-url is needed, supply a dictionary where the key is the URL and the value the description shown to the user.

views: List[Dict[str, Any]]

(Optional) List of nested adminInfo like dictionaries. Used to define additional views on the module. Useful f.e. for an order module, where you want separate list of “payed orders”, “unpayed orders”, “orders waiting for shipment”, etc. If such views are defined, the top-level entry in the menu bar will expand if clicked, revealing these additional filters.

actions: List[str]

(Optional) List of actions supported by this modules. Actions can be defined by the frontend (like “add”, “edit”, “delete” or “preview”); it can be an action defined by a plugin loaded by the frontend; or it can be a so called “server side action” (see “customActions” below)

customActions: Dict[str, dict]

(Optional) A mapping of names of server-defined actions that can be used in the actions list above to their definition dictionary. See …. for more details.

disabledActions: List[str, dict]

(Optional) A list of disabled actions. The frontend will inject default actions like add or edit even if they’re not listed in actions. Listing them here will prevent that. It’s up to the frontend to decide if that action won’t be visible at all or it’s button just being disabled.

sortIndex: int

(Optional) Defines the order in which the modules will appear in the main bar in ascrending order.

indexedBones: List[str]

(Optional) List of bones, for which an (composite?) index exists in this view. This allows the fronted to signal the user that a given list can be sorted or filtered by this bone. If no additional filters are enforced by the listFilter and filter is not set, this should be all bones which are marked as indexed.

changeInvalidates: List[str]

(Optional) A list of module-names which depend on the entities handled from this module. This allows the frontend to invalidate any caches in these depended modules if the data in this module changes. Example: This module may be a list-module handling the file_rootNode entities for the file module, so a edit/add/deletion action on this module should be reflected in the

rootNode-selector in the file-module itself. In this case, this property should be set to ["file"].

moduleGroup: str

(Optional) If set, should be a key of a moduleGroup defined in …. .

editViews: Dict[str, Any]

(Optional) If set, will embed another list-widget in the edit forms for a given entity. See …. for more details.

If this is a function, it must take no parameters and return the dictionary as shown above. This can be used to customize the appearance of the Vi/Admin to individual users.

accessRights :List[str]

If set, a list of access rights (like add, edit, delete) that this module may support. These will be prefixed on instance startup with the actual module name (becomming file-add, file-edit etc) and registered in viur.core.config.conf["viur.accessRights"] so these will be available on the access bone in user/add or user/edit.

_resolveSkelCls(self, *args, **kwargs) viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton

Retrieve the generally associated viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton that is used by the application.

This is either be defined by the member variable kindName or by a Skeleton named like the application class in lower-case order.

If this behavior is not wanted, it can be definitely overridden by defining module-specific viewSkel(), addSkel(), or editSkel() functions, or by overriding this function in general.


Returns a Skeleton class that matches the application.

baseSkel(self, *args, **kwargs) viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance

Returns an instance of an unmodified base skeleton for this module.

This function should only be used in cases where a full, unmodified skeleton of the module is required, e.g. for administrative or maintenance purposes.

By default, baseSkel is used by viewSkel(), addSkel(), and editSkel().