
Module Contents



The core jinja2 render.



class core.render.html.default.Render(parent=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

The core jinja2 render.

This is the bridge between your ViUR modules and your templates. First, the default jinja2-api is exposed to your templates. See for more information. Second, we’ll pass data das global variables to templates depending on the current action.

  • For list() we’ll pass skellist - a viur.core.render.jinja2.default.SkelListWrapper instance

  • For view(): skel - a dictionary with values from the skeleton prepared for use inside html

  • For add()/edit: a dictionary as skel with values, structure and errors as keys.

Third, a bunch of global filters (like urlencode) and functions (getEntry, ..) are available to templates.

See the ViUR Documentation for more information about functions and data available to jinja2 templates.

Its possible for modules to extend the list of filters/functions available to templates by defining a function called jinjaEnv. Its called from the render when the environment is first created and can extend/override the functionality exposed to templates.

kind = html
listTemplate = list
viewTemplate = view
addTemplate = add
editTemplate = edit
addSuccessTemplate = add_success
editSuccessTemplate = edit_success
deleteSuccessTemplate = delete_success
listRepositoriesTemplate = list_repositories
listRootNodeContentsTemplate = list_rootNode_contents
addDirSuccessTemplate = add_dir_success
renameSuccessTemplate = rename_success
copySuccessTemplate = copy_success
reparentSuccessTemplate = reparent_success
setIndexSuccessTemplate = setindex_success
cloneSuccessTemplate = clone_success
__haveEnvImported_ = False
getTemplateFileName(template: str, ignoreStyle: bool = False) str

Returns the filename of the template.

This function decides in which language and which style a given template is rendered. The style is provided as get-parameters for special-case templates that differ from their usual way.

It is advised to override this function in case that viur.core.render.jinja2.default.Render.getLoaders() is redefined.

  • template – The basename of the template to use.

  • ignoreStyle – Ignore any maybe given style hints.


Filename of the template

getLoaders() jinja2.ChoiceLoader

Return the list of Jinja2 loaders which should be used.

May be overridden to provide an alternative loader (e.g. for fetching templates from the datastore).

renderBoneStructure(bone: baseBone) Dict[str, Any]

Renders the structure of a bone.

This function is used by renderSkelStructure(). can be overridden and super-called from a custom renderer.


bone (Any bone that inherits from server.bones.BaseBone.) – The bone which structure should be rendered.


A dict containing the rendered attributes.

renderSkelStructure(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance) Dict

Dumps the structure of a viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton.


skel – Skeleton which structure will be processed.


The rendered structure.

renderBoneValue(bone: baseBone, skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, key: Any, boneValue: Any, isLanguageWrapped: bool = False) Union[List, Dict, KeyValueWrapper, viur.core.i18n.LanguageWrapper, str, None]

Renders the value of a bone.

This function is used by collectSkelData(). It can be overridden and super-called from a custom renderer.

  • bone – The bone which value should be rendered. (inherited from viur.core.bones.base.baseBone).

  • skel – The skeleton containing the bone instance.

  • key – The name of the bone.

  • boneValue – The value of the bone.

  • isLanguageWrapped – Is this bone wrapped inside a LanguageWrapper?


A dict containing the rendered attributes.

collectSkelData(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance) Union[Dict, List]

Prepares values of one viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton or a list of skeletons for output.


skel – Skeleton which contents will be processed.


A dictionary or list of dictionaries.

Deprecated since version 3.0.0: This method is deprecated since ViUR 3.0. Instead, attach a renderPreparation method to the skeleton and pass the skeleton itself.

add(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page for adding an entry.

The template must construct the HTML-form on itself; the required information are passed via skel.structure, skel.value and skel.errors.

A jinja2-macro, which builds such kind of forms, is shipped with the server.

Any data in **kwargs is passed unmodified to the template.

  • skel – Skeleton of the entry which should be created.

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

edit(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, **kwargs) str

Renders a page for modifying an entry.

The template must construct the HTML-form on itself; the required information are passed via skel.structure, skel.value and skel.errors.

A jinja2-macro, which builds such kind of forms, is shipped with the server.

Any data in **kwargs is passed unmodified to the template.

  • skel – Skeleton of the entry which should be modified.

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

addSuccess(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page, informing that the entry has been successfully created.

  • skel – Skeleton which contains the data of the new entity

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

editSuccess(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page, informing that the entry has been successfully modified.

  • skel – Skeleton which contains the data of the modified entity

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

deleteSuccess(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page, informing that the entry has been successfully deleted.

The provided parameters depend on the application calling this: List and Hierarchy pass the id of the deleted entry, while Tree passes the rootNode and path.

  • skel – Skeleton which contains the data of the deleted entity

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.


Returns the emitted HTML response.

list(skellist: viur.core.skeleton.SkelList, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, **kwargs) str

Renders a list of entries.

Any data in **kwargs is passed unmodified to the template.

  • skellist – List of Skeletons with entries to display.

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

listRootNodes(repos: List[Dict[Literal[key, name], Any]], tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, **kwargs) str

Renders a list of available repositories.

  • repos – List of repositories (dict with “key”=>Repo-Key and “name”=>Repo-Name)

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

Return type


view(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, **kwargs) str

Renders a single entry.

Any data in **kwargs is passed unmodified to the template.

  • skel – Skeleton to be displayed.

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one.

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

listRootNodeContents(subdirs: List, entries: viur.core.skeleton.SkelList, tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, **kwargs) str

Renders the contents of a given RootNode.

This differs from list(), as one level in the tree-application may contains two different child-types: Entries and folders.

  • subdirs – List of (sub-)directories on the current level

  • entries – List of entries of the current level

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

addDirSuccess(rootNode: str, path: str, dirname: str, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page, informing that the directory has been successfully created.

  • rootNode – RootNode-key in which the directory has been created

  • path – Path in which the directory has been created

  • dirname – Name of the newly created directory

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

renameSuccess(rootNode: str, path: str, src: str, dest: str, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page, informing that the entry has been successfully renamed.

  • rootNode – RootNode-key in which the entry has been renamed

  • path – Path in which the entry has been renamed

  • src – Old name of the entry

  • dest – New name of the entry

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

copySuccess(srcrepo: str, srcpath: str, name: str, destrepo: str, destpath: str, type: str, deleteold: str, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page, informing that an entry has been successfully copied/moved.

  • srcrepo – RootNode-key from which has been copied/moved

  • srcpath – Path from which the entry has been copied/moved

  • name – Name of the entry which has been copied/moved

  • destrepo – RootNode-key to which has been copied/moved

  • destpath – Path to which the entries has been copied/moved

  • type – “entry”: Copy/Move an entry, everything else: Copy/Move an directory

  • deleteold – “0”: Copy, “1”: Move

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

reparentSuccess(obj: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: Optional[str] = None, params: Any = None, **kwargs) str

Renders a page informing that the item was successfully moved.

  • obj – Skeleton instance of the item that was moved.

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

setIndexSuccess(obj: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, tpl: Optional[str] = None, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page informing that the items sortindex was successfully changed.

  • obj – Skeleton instance of the item that was changed

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

cloneSuccess(tpl: str = None, params: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) str

Renders a page informing that the items sortindex was successfully changed.

  • tpl – Name of a different template, which should be used instead of the default one

  • params – Optional data that will be passed unmodified to the template


Returns the emitted HTML response.

renderEmail(dests: List[str], file: str = None, template: str = None, skel: Union[None, Dict, viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, List[viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance]] = None, **kwargs) Tuple[str, str]

Renders an email. Uses the first not-empty line as subject and the remaining template as body.

  • dests – Destination recipients.

  • file – The name of a template from the deploy/emails directory.

  • template – This string is interpreted as the template contents. Alternative to load from template file.

  • skel – Skeleton or dict which data to supply to the template.


Returns the rendered email subject and body.

getEnv() jinja2.Environment

Constucts the Jinja2 environment.

If an application specifies an jinja2Env function, this function can alter the environment before its used to parse any template.


Extended Jinja2 environment.