
Module Contents

exception core.errors.HTTPException(status: int, name: str, descr: str)

Bases: Exception

Base-Class for all Exceptions that should match to an http error-code

exception core.errors.BadRequest(descr: str = 'The request your browser sent cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.')

Bases: HTTPException


exception core.errors.Redirect(url: str, descr: str = 'Redirect', status: int = 303)

Bases: HTTPException

Causes an 303 - See Other (or 302 - Found if requested / 301 - Moved Permanently) redirect

exception core.errors.Unauthorized(descr: str = "The resource is protected and you don't have the permissions.")

Bases: HTTPException


Raised whenever a request hits an path protected by canAccess() or a canAdd/canEdit/… -Function inside an application returns false.

exception core.errors.PaymentRequired(descr: str = 'Payment Required')

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core. This status-code is reserved for further use and is currently not supported by clients.

exception core.errors.Forbidden(descr: str = "The resource is protected and you don't have the permissions.")

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core. May be utilized in the future to distinguish between requests from guests and users, who are logged in but don’t have the permission.

exception core.errors.NotFound(descr: str = 'The requested resource could not be found.')

Bases: HTTPException


Usually raised in view() methods from application if the given key is invalid.

exception core.errors.MethodNotAllowed(descr: str = 'Method Not Allowed')

Bases: HTTPException


Raised if a function is accessed which doesn’t have the @exposed / @internalExposed decorator or if the request arrived using get, but the function has the @forcePost flag.

exception core.errors.NotAcceptable(descr: str = 'The request cannot be processed due to missing or invalid parameters.')

Bases: HTTPException


Signals that the parameters supplied doesn’t match the function signature

exception core.errors.RequestTimeout(descr: str = 'The request has timed out.')

Bases: HTTPException


This must be used for the task api to indicate it should retry

exception core.errors.Gone(descr: str = 'Gone')

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core

exception core.errors.PreconditionFailed(descr: str = 'Precondition Failed')

Bases: HTTPException


Mostly caused by a missing/invalid securitykey.

exception core.errors.RequestTooLarge(descr: str = 'Request Too Large')

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core

exception core.errors.Locked(descr: str = 'Ressource is Locked')

Bases: HTTPException


Raised if a resource cannot be deleted due to incomming relational locks

exception core.errors.TooManyRequests(descr: str = 'Too Many Requests')

Bases: HTTPException

Too Many Requests

The 429 status code indicates that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (“rate limiting”).

exception core.errors.Censored(descr: str = 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons')

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core

exception core.errors.InternalServerError(descr: str = 'Internal Server Error')

Bases: HTTPException


The catch-all error raised by the server if your code raises any python-exception not deriving from HTTPException

exception core.errors.NotImplemented(descr: str = 'Not Implemented')

Bases: HTTPException


Not really implemented at the moment :)

exception core.errors.BadGateway(descr: str = 'Bad Gateway')

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core

exception core.errors.ServiceUnavailable(descr: str = 'Service Unavailable')

Bases: HTTPException


Not used inside viur.core