
Module Contents



Generic enumeration.



Generic enumeration.









core.bones.base.__systemIsIntitialized_ = False
class core.bones.base.ReadFromClientErrorSeverity

Bases: enum.Enum

Generic enumeration.

Derive from this class to define new enumerations.

NotSet = 0
InvalidatesOther = 1
Empty = 2
Invalid = 3
class core.bones.base.ReadFromClientError
severity: ReadFromClientErrorSeverity
errorMessage: str
fieldPath: List[str]
invalidatedFields: List[str]
class core.bones.base.UniqueLockMethod

Bases: enum.Enum

Generic enumeration.

Derive from this class to define new enumerations.

SameValue = 1
SameSet = 2
SameList = 3
class core.bones.base.UniqueValue
method: UniqueLockMethod
lockEmpty: bool
message: str
class core.bones.base.MultipleConstraints
minAmount: int = 0
maxAmount: int = 0
preventDuplicates: bool = False
class core.bones.base.BaseBone(*, defaultValue: Any = None, descr: str = '', getEmptyValueFunc: callable = None, indexed: bool = True, isEmptyFunc: callable = None, languages: None | List[str] = None, multiple: bool | MultipleConstraints = False, params: Dict = None, readOnly: bool = False, required: bool | List[str] | Tuple[str] = False, searchable: bool = False, unique: None | UniqueValue = None, vfunc: callable = None, visible: bool = True)

Bases: object

type = 'hidden'
isClonedInstance = False

Can be overridden to initialize properties that depend on the Skeleton system being initialized


Returns None if the value would be valid for this bone, an error-message otherwise.

isEmpty(rawValue: Any) bool

Check if the given single value represents the “empty” value. This usually is the empty string, 0 or False.

Warning: isEmpty takes precedence over isInvalid! The empty value is always valid - unless the bone

is required. But even then the empty value will be reflected back to the client.

Warning: rawValue might be the string/object received from the user (untrusted input!) or the value

returned by get

getEmptyValue() Any

Returns the value representing an empty field for this bone. This might be the empty string for str/text Bones, Zero for numeric bones etc.

__setattr__(key, value)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).

collectRawClientData(name, data, multiple, languages, collectSubfields)
parseSubfieldsFromClient() bool

Whenever this request should try to parse subfields submitted from the client. Set only to true if you expect a list of dicts to be transmitted

singleValueFromClient(value, skel, name, origData)
fromClient(skel: SkeletonInstance, name: str, data: dict) None | List[ReadFromClientError]

Reads a value from the client.

If this value is valid for this bone, store this value and return None. Otherwise our previous value is left unchanged and an error-message is returned.

  • skel – The skeleton instance where the values should be loaded.

  • name – Our name in the skeleton

  • data – User-supplied request-data


None or a list of errors

validateMultipleConstraints(skel: SkeletonInstance, name: str) List[ReadFromClientError]

Validates our value against our multiple constrains. Returns a ReadFromClientError for each violation (eg. too many items and duplicates)

singleValueSerialize(value, skel: SkeletonInstance, name: str, parentIndexed: bool)
serialize(skel: SkeletonInstance, name: str, parentIndexed: bool) bool

Serializes this bone into something we can write into the datastore.


name – The property-name this bone has in its Skeleton (not the description!)

unserialize(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, name: str) bool

Inverse of serialize. Evaluates whats read from the datastore and populates this bone accordingly.


name – The property-name this bone has in its Skeleton (not the description!)

delete(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, name: str)

Like postDeletedHandler, but runs inside the transaction

buildDBFilter(name: str, skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, dbFilter: viur.core.db.Query, rawFilter: Dict, prefix: str | None = None) viur.core.db.Query

Parses the searchfilter a client specified in his Request into something understood by the datastore. This function must:

  • Ignore all filters not targeting this bone

  • Safely handle malformed data in rawFilter

    (this parameter is directly controlled by the client)

  • name – The property-name this bone has in its Skeleton (not the description!)

  • skel – The viur.core.db.Query this bone is part of

  • dbFilter – The current viur.core.db.Query instance the filters should be applied to

  • rawFilter – The dictionary of filters the client wants to have applied


The modified viur.core.db.Query

buildDBSort(name: str, skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, dbFilter: viur.core.db.Query, rawFilter: Dict) viur.core.db.Query | None

Same as buildDBFilter, but this time its not about filtering the results, but by sorting them. Again: rawFilter is controlled by the client, so you must expect and safely hande malformed data!

  • name – The property-name this bone has in its Skeleton (not the description!)

  • skel – The viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton instance this bone is part of

  • dbFilter – The current viur.core.db.Query instance the filters should be applied to

  • rawFilter – The dictionary of filters the client wants to have applied


The modified viur.core.db.Query, None if the query is unsatisfiable.

_hashValueForUniquePropertyIndex(value: str | int) List[str]
getUniquePropertyIndexValues(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, name: str) List[str]

Returns a list of hashes for our current value(s), used to store in the uniquePropertyValue index.

getReferencedBlobs(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, name: str) Set[str]

Returns a set of blob keys referenced from this bone

performMagic(valuesCache: Dict, name: str, isAdd: bool)

This function applies “magically” functionality which f.e. inserts the current Date or the current user. :param isAdd: Signals whereever this is an add or edit operation.

postSavedHandler(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, boneName: str, key: str)

Can be overridden to perform further actions after the main entity has been written.

  • boneName – Name of this bone

  • skel – The skeleton this bone belongs to

  • key – The (new?) Database Key we’ve written to

postDeletedHandler(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, boneName: str, key: str)

Can be overridden to perform further actions after the main entity has been deleted.

  • skel – The skeleton this bone belongs to

  • boneName – Name of this bone

  • key – The old Database Key of the entity we’ve deleted

refresh(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, boneName: str) None

Refresh all values we might have cached from other entities.

mergeFrom(valuesCache: Dict, boneName: str, otherSkel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance)

Clones the values from other into this instance

setBoneValue(skel: SkeletonInstance, boneName: str, value: Any, append: bool, language: None | str = None) bool

Set our value to ‘value’. Santy-Checks are performed; if the value is invalid, no modification will happen.

  • skel – Dictionary with the current values from the skeleton we belong to

  • boneName – The Bone which should be modified

  • value – The value that should be assigned. It’s type depends on the type of that bone

  • append – If true, the given value is appended to the values of that bone instead of replacing it. Only supported on bones with multiple=True

  • language – Set/append which language


Wherever that operation succeeded or not.

getSearchTags(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, name: str) Set[str]

Returns a set of strings as search index for this bone.

  • skel – The skeleton instance where the values should be loaded from.

  • name – The name of the bone.


A list of strings, extracted from the bone value

iter_bone_value(skel: viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance, name: str) Iterator[Tuple[int | None, str | None, Any]]

Yield all values from the Skeleton related to this bone instance.

This method handles the multiple/languages cases, which could save a lot of if/elifs. It yields always a triplet: index, language, value Where index is the index (int) of a value inside a multiple bone, language the language (str) of a multi-language-bone and value the value inside this container. index or language is None if the bone is single or not multi-lang.

  • skel – The skeleton instance where the values should be loaded from.

  • name – The name of the bone.


A generator which yields triplets.

structure() dict

Describes the bone and its settings as an JSON-serializable dict. This function has to be implemented for subsequent, specialized bone types.