
Module Contents



The SortIndexBone class is specifically designed to handle sorting indexes for data elements, which are

class core.bones.sortindex.SortIndexBone(*, defaultValue=lambda *args, **kwargs: ..., descr='SortIndex', precision=8, **kwargs)

Bases: viur.core.bones.numeric.NumericBone

The SortIndexBone class is specifically designed to handle sorting indexes for data elements, which are numeric values that determine the order of these elements. It inherits from the NumericBone.

  • defaultValue (Union[int, float]) – A default value for the bone, which is a function that returns the current time by default. This parameter accepts either an integer or a floating-point number.

  • descr (str) – A short description of the bone, set to “SortIndex” by default.

  • precision (int) – The precision of the numeric value, determining the number of decimal places allowed. The default value is 8.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments that can be passed to the parent NumericBone class.

  • defaultValue

Initializes a new NumericBone.

type = 'numeric.sortindex'