
Module Contents



Decorator, which marks a function as exposed.


Decorator, which marks a function as internal exposed.


Decorator, which enforces usage of an encrypted channel for a given resource.


Decorator, which enforces usage of a http post request.

access(*access[, offer_login, message])

Decorator, which performs an authentication and authorization check primarily based on the current user's access,

skey([func, allow_empty, forward_payload, message, ...])

Decorator, which configures an exposed method for requiring a CSRF-security-key.

Decorator, which marks a function as exposed.

Only exposed functions are callable by http-requests. Can optionally receive a dict of language->translated name to make that function available under different names


func (Callable) –

Return type:



Decorator, which marks a function as internal exposed.


func (Callable) –

Return type:



Decorator, which enforces usage of an encrypted channel for a given resource. Has no effect on development-servers.


func (Callable) –

Return type:



Decorator, which enforces usage of a http post request.


func (Callable) –

Return type:


core.decorators.access(*access, offer_login=False, message=None)

Decorator, which performs an authentication and authorization check primarily based on the current user’s access, which is defined via the UserSkel.access-bone. Additionally, a callable for individual access checking can be provided.

In case no user is logged in, the decorator enforces to raise an HTTP error 401 - Unauthorized in case no user is logged in, otherwise it returns an HTTP error 403 - Forbidden when the specified access parameters prohibit to call the decorated method.

Params access:

Access configuration, either names of access rights or a callable for verification.

Params offer_login:

Offers a way to login; Either set it to True, to automatically redirect to /user/login, or set it to any other URL.

Params message:

A custom message to be printed when access is denied or unauthorized.

  • access (str | list[str] | tuple[str] | set[str] | Callable) –

  • offer_login (bool | str) –

  • message (str | None) –

Return type:


To check on authenticated users with the access “root” or (“admin” and “file-edit”) or “maintainer” use the decorator like this:

Furthermore, instead of a list/tuple/set/str, a callable can be provided which performs custom access checking, and directly is checked on True for access grant.

core.decorators.skey(func=None, *, allow_empty=False, forward_payload=None, message=None, name='skey', validate=None, **extra_kwargs)

Decorator, which configures an exposed method for requiring a CSRF-security-key. The decorator enforces a raise of HTTP error 406 - Precondition failed in case the security-key is not provided or became invalid.

  • allow_empty (bool | list[str] | tuple[str] | Callable) – Allows to call the method without a security-key when no other parameters where provided. This can also be a tuple or list of keys which are being ignored, or a callable taking args and kwargs, and programmatically decide whether security-key is required or not.

  • forward_payload (str | None) – Forwards the extracted payload of the security-key to the method under the key specified here as a value in kwargs.

  • message (str) – Allows to specify a custom error message in case a HTTP 406 is raised.

  • name (str) – Defaults to “skey”, but allows also for another name passed to the method.

  • validate (Callable | None) – Allows to specify a Callable used to further evaluate the payload of the security-key. Security-keys can be equipped with further data, see the securitykey-module for details.

  • extra_kwargs (dict) – Any provided extra_kwargs are being passed to securitykey.validate as kwargs.

  • func (Callable) –

Return type:
