The module config
provided by the ViUR Core contains several configuration options which change it’s behavior, allowing you to access system-global parameters, or provide some kind of global variables
within a ViUR project setup.
It simply can be imported with
from viur.core.config import conf
All ViUR-specific parameters have the prefix viur.
. Parameters that influence or extend information
used by the Admin-tools start with the prefix admin.
If parameters are changed for configuration issues, this should be done on the server’s main entry (that
Python source file that calls viur.core.setup()
This is usually the ``’’ in the project’s ``deploy’’ folder.
This section gives an overview and detailed information about how to use ViURs pre-defined configuration parameters.
Server configuration¶
Defines a list of default user access rights. Defaults to ["admin", "root"]
This list can be extended to project-specific access rights that are made available to every user entity created by the user module. By default, there exists two entries which are
admin defines if the user has admin-access (ie. is allowed to access the admin and vi render)
root defines if the user is a super-admin (users having the root-flag are allowed to do anything by default)
These entries can be enriched in the application’s main entry with
Each module in your application will register the flags it supports during startup, so make sure you use
or .extend()
to add your flags instead of (re)-setting this property.
Defines a list of valid language-codes. These are the languages that are available on projects with multi-language setup. Unless it’s white-listed here, ViUR will refuse to serve requests in that language. The language code also defines the name of the language translation file in the translations folder of the project.
Example configuration:
conf["viur.availableLanguages"] = ["de", "en", "fr"] # German, English, French.
See also viur.defaultLanguage, viur.domainLanguageMapping, viur.languageMethod.
If translation is not working despite having viur.availableLanguages set, check that your projects-translation module is importable and contains an translation table for that language. If your translation-module is not importable, all i18n features are disabled.
Call this function for each time we need to derive a key for caching.
If the configuration parameter viur.cacheEnvironmentKey
contains a callable, this function will be
called for each cache-attempt and the result will be included in the computed cache-key. This allows you to
easily include environment variables like the current language into the key used to determine the caching-slot.
Emit Content-Security-Policy HTTP-header with each request.
Use viur.core.securityheaders.addCspRule()
to modify this property.
Disable catch and handling of user-generated HTTPException
Useful to trace where a Redirect
, Forbidden
, etc. error
is raised inside deeply nested code.
Logging calls of any functions marked as exposed. It will write the called function name and it’s parameter to the log.
This might include sensitive data like unencrypted usernames and passwords in your log! Keep it off in production!
Logging calls of any functions marked as @internal_exposed
. It will write the called function name and it’s parameter to the log.
This might include sensitive data like unencrypted usernames and passwords in your log! Keep it off in production!
Default language used by the project, if no other language code was specified.
Unless overridden, English ("en")
will be used as the default language.
See also viur.availableLanguages, viur.domainLanguageMapping, viur.languageMethod.
If set True
, the decorator @enableCache
has no effect. Caching inside the jinja2 Render will also
be disabled.
This doesn’t cause entries already in the cache to be evicted. If there are old entries they just won’t be used and no
new entries will be added. Once that property is set to False
again, old entries in the cache will be served again
if they haven’t expired yet.
Map domains to alternative default languages.
See also viur.availableLanguages, viur.defaultLanguage, viur.languageMethod.
Override recipients for all outgoing email. This should be done for testing purposes only.
If set, all outgoing emails will be send to this address
(always overriding the dests
-parameter in ``_).
conf["viur.emailRecipientOverride"] = "" # Simple override
conf["viur.emailRecipientOverride"] = ["", ""] # Override to multiple targets
conf["viur.emailRecipientOverride"] = "" # Redirect all emails to this domain. "" would become ""
conf["viur.emailRecipientOverride"] = False # Entirely disable sending emails.
conf["viur.emailRecipientOverride"] = None # Default, outgoing email go to the specified recipients.
See also viur.emailSenderOverride.
Override the sender of all outgoing emails by this one.
If set, this sender will be used, regardless of what the templates advertise as sender.
conf["viur.emailSenderOverride"] = "" # Simple override
conf["viur.emailSenderOverride"] = "John Doe <>" # Override with name
conf["viur.emailSenderOverride"] = None # No override (default)
See also viur.emailRecipientOverride.
Defines a custom error handler. If set, ViUR calls this function instead of rendering the default or project’s error template in case of exception.
The function must accept one argument (an instance of the Python exception object (possibly an instance of
), in case that an HTTP-exception occurs).
Enable HTTPS enforcement. Enabled by default.
conf["viur.forceSSL"] = True # We want to be secure!
If set True, all requests must be encrypted (ignored on development server). If unencrypted requests are received, a redirect to https://your.domain/ is raised (the path and request parameters are not preserved for security reasons).
Defines a mapping for certain languages directing to one translation (ie. us->en).
Method of how translation is applied.
By default, this is configured to session
saves within session (default)url
injects a language prefix into the URLdomain
configures one domain per language
Holds a reference to the pre-build application-instance that’s created by viur.core.setup()
May not be overridden, reassigned or modified!
Defines a maximum password length. This prevents denial of service attacks through large inputs for pbkdf2. The value defaults to 512.
Upper limit of the amount of parameters accepted per request. Prevents Hash-Collision-Attacks. The value defaults to 250.
Disable the viur.forceSSL restriction for certain URLs (ie these URLs will be also accessible and served over unencrypted http). Add an asterisk to whitelist an entire prefix (exact match otherwise).
It defaults to ["/_tasks*", "/ah/*"]
as the task-queue doesn’t call using https.
Attach a request preprocessor to the application.
A preprocesser is a function receiving the original path from the URL requested and might rewrite it before its used by ViUR to determine which function in the application should be called. Can also be used to run custom code on each request before it’s normally dispatched to your application.
Characters valid for the internal search functionality (all other characters are ignored). If changed you must rebuild all search-indexes for skeletons that don’t use the search api provided by the appengine (ie all skeletons where searchIndex is None)¶
If set, viur will emit a CSP http-header with each request.
Use core.securityheaders.addCspRule()
to set this property.¶
If set, viur will emit a HSTS http-header with each request.
Use core.securityheaders.enableStrictTransportSecurity()
to set this property.¶
If set, ViUR will emit a X-Frame-Options header.
Use core.securityheaders.setXFrameOptions()
to set this property.¶
ViUR will emit a X-XSS-Protection header if set (the default).
Use core.securityheaders.setXXssProtection()
to set this property.¶
ViUR will emit X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Header unless set to False.
Use core.securityheaders.setXContentTypeNoSniff()
to set this property.
Specifies when sessions timeout.
The value must be given in seconds. Defaults to 60 minutes. If no request is received within that window, the session is terminated and the user will have to login again.
Preserve session values on login.
For security reasons, the session is reset when a user logs in. Only fields specified in this list will be kept on login.
from viur.core.config import conf
from viur.core import current
conf["viur.session.persistentFieldsOnLogin"] = ["username"]
current.session.get()["username"] = "john" # Will be kept after logging in
current.session.get()["password"] = "secret" # Will be lost after logging in
Preserve session values on logout.
For security reasons, the session is reset when a user logs out. Only fields specified in this list will be kept.
For example, see viur.session.persistentFieldsOnLogin.
Preserve additional environment in deferred tasks.
If set, must be a tuple of two functions (serializeEnv, restoreEnv) for serializing/restoring your environmental data. The serializeEnv function must not accept any parameter and return and json-serializable object with the information you need to preserve. The restoreEnv function receives that object and should write the information contained therein into the environment of that deferred request.
Admin configuration¶
Grouping modules within panes.
It is possible to group different modules into logical panes, so they share a single entry in the admin. This is done by choosing a prefix, which will be used to group the different modules.
conf["admin.moduleGroups"] = [
{"prefix": "Tea: ", "name": "Tea", "icon": "icons/modules/produktdatenbank.png"},
This example will add all modules, which descriptions starts with the prefix Tea: to the group Tea with the given icon.¶
Specifies a custom name in the vi admin.
conf[""] = "Admin"
Specifies a custom logo in the vi admin.
conf["admin.logo"] = "/static/meta/project-logo.svg"